Friday, 17 August 2012

BEL120 (English) Speaking Test

Last Tuesday, my class hahad our speaking test before Raya holiday. Not sure if it is a real test or just a practice. It was held at our UiTM Library's Discussion Room. At first I thought the Speaking test is held at Block M. Fortunately I came early and I asked all of my group member to come early because most of the group finished their speaking test early. Different group different topic given.

Well, my group's speaking test was going a little bit smooth... Most of us shaking...feeling nervous.  But it is done....without any a few minutes silent, but only few seconds..


  1. is it the same as MUET?? Hmmm.....

  2. almost and a bit different format type, some form 6 leavers said MUET is easier than BEL...
